Thursday, 17 May 2012

Thursday, trend, twitter, what the....?

London trends –

The things we have learnt from today’s topics:

Jane Fonda is 74 (#Cannes2012 )


If you are a man, don’t ever say “your sister and I ate here a few months ago” (#ThingsNotToSayOnTheFirstDate)....

#That's All I Really Wanna Do
Michael Owen
West Indies

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Twitter trends on the Tregartha Dinnie blogosphere...

The UK trends on Twitter:


Shout, shout, shout at the radio (and school lunches)

We at Tregartha Dinnie sometimes come across some ridiculous and sad examples of what being a school child must be like in modern 2012.

This came up on our Twitter feed and so therefore, kindly, we felt we had to share it to save you all.

The blog initiative is from one school child and the photographic evidence of their lunch, or what passes as suitable, is actually embarrassing.

Now, we have an antipodean in our office midst, who does not know the culture that is British school lunches... and from this, we would be grateful if we didn’t know either.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Front page sweeps

The Independent with much ado about the weather and the dilemma of the great British queue

The Daily Express and the poor pension loss

And James Murdoch is given a mention in the MPs' report into hacking in The Guardian

How Tregartha Dinnie sees the trends

UK trends for Tuesday 1st May 2012

And on our international trending roulette table we find some making an appearance in Moscow;yes it means as much to us as it does to you, unless you speak Russian then I suspect it means quite a lot more...

·         #первомай
·         #1мая
·         #Путин
·         С Первомаем
·         Медведев и Путин
·         Тверской
·         Happy May Day
·         Весны и Труда
·         МАЯ
·         Том и Джерри