Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts

Monday, 17 September 2012

Monday muse and the TD news

EDUCATION NEWS: Students must be getting confused

MEDIA/ TECHNOLOGY: Apple and the consumer pie

UK NEWS: Do you know enough first aid (and is it worth the risk if people sue?)

Friday, 14 September 2012

Tregartha Dinnie's Friday headlines from the week

We'll stay clear of discussing the low, low, low standards of the French press and their royal treatment.

Instead we think Friday is full of headlines from across so many more sectors. Here's just a few we think are potential watercooler talk...

EDUCATION NEWS: Top universities still not full

ENVIRONMENT NEWS: Heathrow's endless runway dilemma

EDUCATION NEWS: Govt re-evaluate stand on immigrant students

EDUCATION NEWS: Do you think school uniforms are too costly

TECHNOLOGY NEWS: Google Earth is a revolution!

MEDIA NEWS: The 80s never really left and now its come to bite Cameron

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Does intergrating digital technology change the state of play

When the digital revolution (whose end is not yet in sight) takes on a persona within everything we do, read, write, see and talk, can we envisage what the next revolution may be?

Does digital technology change how journalism and media is communicated to the masses, is it the same message just explained with better visuals or is it better explained becasue it can reach those masses further then it has before?

Really interesting article here if you'd like to share:

Monday, 20 August 2012

Does the blockbuster no longer have the appeal at Blockbuster?

Ok, so we've all joined one or a few of the latest download/subscription, DVD straight to your door/computer companies: Netflix, Lovefilm... and they all work... to a degree.

Do video/DVD hire companies no longer have the match on these online businesses now?

Should it matter that we seem not that bothered about ourhigh street, late night browsing opportunities, POS popcorn and instead anything straight to the door or direct to our TVs means an easier life?

And is it a sign that technology has caught up and this will be the future, forever...