Monday, 25 March 2013

The power of imagery

Do you engage better with social media if images are available? 

If you get a chance, read this and let us know your thoughts

Friday, 8 March 2013

Revoluntionising social media - do's and please don'ts

We liked this and wanted to share. Simple.

The article comes from the Revolutionary Measures blog -

Do you agree that social media is a by-gone for business?

From the PR Media Blog, we found this article on the parallels of social media and its importance (or lack of necessity) for companies in today's overloaded social media dominated world.

Whatever the opportunity, is there a platform that each business could utilise?

Get it off your chest!!!

With so much constantly making it to the news daily, hourly, sometimes with a minute by minute update, what's been making you shout at the radio recently?

Horse meat, speeding points put on ones beloved licence, subsidence in good weather (again), tax evasion, corrupt government officials...

Give us a shout...